February 28, 2009
by Geoff Shannon
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Geoff Shannon
Email: geofflax@gmail.com
@Geoff_Shannon, baltimore.life-of-kings.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/geoff-shannon-53791a32
1. Managing Editor, Inside Lacrosse, 2005-Present
Support production of Inside Lacrosse magazine and InsideLacrosse.com, and lead production of Inside Lacrosse Face-Off Yearbook and IL’s Recruiting Issue. Duties include managing budgets and freelancers, working through production deadlines, editing, reporting, operating social media, podcasting, web publishing and other activities.
Awards and Honors
FOLIO Eddie Award, Best Full Issue Gold Medal, 2016
FOLIO Eddie Award, Honorable Mention Best Full Issue, 2015
FOLIO Eddie Award, Best Full Issue Gold Medal, 2012
FOLIO Eddie Award, Best Full Issue Gold Medal, 2008
Staff Writer, Slidell Sentry-News, 2004-2005
Reported in St. Tammany Parish, a suburb of New Orleans, for a daily newspaper. Duties included editing, advertorial writing and other activities.
Awards and Honors
Louisiana Press Association Newspaper of the Year (Div. 4), 2005
LPA 1st Place, Best Continuing Coverage of a Governmental Issue, 2005
Contributing Writer, Tulane University Publications, 2004-2005
Wrote monthly features for Tulanian magazine, and for the university’s internal publications and website.
Freelance, 2004-Present
City Paper (Baltimore), Baltimore Magazine, Maryland Life, Baltimore Business Journal, Lowe’s Senior CLASS Award, Major League Lacrosse, Where Y’at Magazine, Covington NewsBanner, Tulane Athletics
American Copy Editors Society (ACES)
Juror, Baldwin Prize
Tulane University ’04
B. A., History
Sports Editor, Tulane Hullabaloo
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